Tuesday, November 3, 2015


I feel like I should probably give you all the background information before I plunge ahead… I hate those writers who make you guess at what happened or give it to you piece by piece, seriously could you just write a flashback chapter or an introduction and get it over with, but anyway…  So why am in California, how did I get to be here, and where did I come from.

Clark Air Force base where I was born... My college Alma Mater
The Alamo in Texas.... The Thai Coast
I grew up a preacher’s kid and military brat; my dad was an Air Force electrician and my mom was a missionary so we moved around a lot growing up. My brother and I were born on Clark Air Force Base in Luzon, Philippines and I spent time living all over the world: Seoul, South Korea… Fort Walton Beach, Florida…. Frankfurt, Germany…. Savannah, Georgia… Mumbai, India… only to end up in Mulvane, Kansas for high school (never heard of Mulvane? I’m not surprised, it’s tiny and sucks). After high school, I went to Kansas State University (BA’s in English and History) with an internship in San Francisco and then a year of grad school in Davenport, Iowa (Non-profit Management and Leadership Theory). I then worked overseas in Ecuador and Thailand, before going to work on a cruise ship for a couple years that took me all over the Caribbean, Europe, and Oceania (Australia and New Zealand and the surrounding Islands), before landing back in Texas where my mom was from.

Cuenca, Ecuador...... Savannah, Georgia
The Sydney Opera House..... A beach in St. Martin 
I moved back to Burleson, Texas (once again, if you don’t know it, don’t worry. Also small and also shitty), to take care of my grandmother who had gotten sick. Nothing super serious, she had fallen and broken a hip and then contracted pneumonia… all of which sounds bad, but if you knew my Gma then you’d know it barely kept her in bed. Anyway, her rehab and getting back to full strength took the better part of a year so it wasn’t until around a year ago I started looking into getting out of Texas. I found a great year long program that would place me in a non-profit somewhere in the states with hopes of finding full time employment either at the nonprofit or in the area. So I got placed at AIDS Project Los Angeles in the communications department and I now live in Studio City.

So that’s my short, but pseudo-detailed life story. I don’t want to focus on it too much because that’s not what this blog is about. This is about the future not the past, about where I’m going and I only told you about where I’ve been so you understand me a little. I probably won’t talk much about those past experiences, but I’ll answer questions if I need too.

So now, on to adventure…

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