Monday, November 30, 2015

I've found my people... well partly at least

So one of my biggest sources of disappointment since I moved to LA has been a lack of social interaction. I'm the type of person who loves going out and doing things. Doesn't have to be the bars or drinking, I just love going and being with people. In Texas that could mean going dancing or out to dinner, playing Cards Against Humanity (still a favorite) or pool, going to an event or a movie or even floating the river. I just like have a group of friends and acquaintances that I go out and do stuff with.

Since moving to LA I've been a bit of a hermit, mostly because I have had such a limited amount of people to do things with. The people I do know are great, but there aren't that many of them, so it's been hard for me to get that social interaction that I crave. I've felt bored, lonely, and a bit useless. That all changed about three weeks ago.

 I found a group on Meet-Up that was called Gay Board Gaymers(GBG) that is active and does day-long meet ups a couple times a month. Anywhere from 40-70 people get together to play games like Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride, Mysterium, or any number of other things. I was a little apprehensive to just show up, but I'm so glad I did. Because they immediately welcomed me, invited me to other events, and asked me about myself.

Playing Spartacus as part of "Table Tops & Bottoms"
Since then I have gone to six different events with GBG and another group that I was added to (called Table Tops & Bottoms), from house parties to small get gatherings, from impromptu last minute game nights to played themed events (Togas, wine, cheese, pomegranate seeds, and a little Spartacus anyone?). It's not exactly like home yet, but it's getting closer to it and the more people I meet the more I'm loving the time we all spend together.
This game was called "Secret Hitler" and it was ridiculous.
So a big shout out to the people who have included me so far: Monica, Cain, Matt B., Matt A., Kevin, Christian, John, Joe, Vlad, Jordan, Mats, Andrew, Andre, Chris, Lorenzo, Francis, Patrick,  Sy, Jason, Deb, Kat, and many more. You guys & gals are making a mid-west geeks life much more enjoyable here in Hollywood.

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