Monday, November 9, 2015

Danny Pintauro makes me want to punch things

I just found out that the Desert AIDS Project will honor Danny Pintauro with the Steve Chase Humanitarian Award... why? I have no idea.

Before I get into why I am mad, I want to say that I have no problem with Pintauro as a person or as a celebrity. As a matter of fact I was on stage with him at AIDS Walk Los Angeles just a few weeks ago. He seems like a lovely guy who is talking about some serious issues (aka Meth, Drugs, Sex, and HIV/AIDS). I just don't think he deserves this award, or any award, not yet.

Pintauro came out back in the late 90's after the National Inquirer threatened to out him with or without his side of the story. Alittle over a month ago he came out at HIV positive to Oprah. And TODAY it was announced he'd get this award... for all the great work he has done in the last 5 weeks, which is to say no real work.

This is a guy who has spent the last two decades hiding form the spot light, not talking about LGBT issues, and not really doing anything newsworthy.

  • He hasn't been a leader in the LGBT community... 
  • He wasn't fighting for Marriage Equality or against Don't Ask, Don't Tell... 
  • He didn't make a It Gets Better video or participate in Spirit Days
  • He hasn't spoken at Prides or rallies
  • He has been silent and inactive
And then he comes out as positive, does a couple TV appearances (where he said really problematic things), and now we should all love him? And now he is a gay poster child? Why? Because he is a white, cis-gendered, gay former child start who dresses well, doesn't have any scandals, and is cute? Seriously, what has he done to earn the respect of the community or this award? NOTHING.

Which is why I am mad at Desert AIDS Project, because they should know better. They should pick someone has put in the time and effort to help the community. They should honor someone who has done something honorable!

I hope Pintauro because the Beacon of Light he keeps talking about. I hope he becomes an activist and does good. I hope that in a decade or so, he may deserve this honor. But not yet!

Come on LGBT community, get your head out of your collective asses and pick someone worth something. To read about the award, visit:

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