Monday, November 2, 2015


So what happens when you take a late-20’s Texas boy and put him in LA? No I’m not kidding, I'm seriously asking because so far I haven’t figured it out. Because you see the thing about moving to LA is that nothing is like you expect it’s going to be. I wanted Hollywood and glitz and glam, and I got North Hollywood and the Metro system. I was hoping for great parties and events, so far my invitations have been to help someone move and to babysit. I was looking forward to more men to date and fun dates, what I’ve gotten is lots of Netflix and zero chill…. Once again not kidding here, ZERO CHILL if you know what I mean… Sex I’m talking about sex… and moving on.

That sky is totally fake... also they totally edited out the big cell tour behind the sign
Don’t get me wrong, I love it here. The work I’m doing is great and fulfilling and purposeful. The people in the community are amazing and hospitable. My apartment is huge and my roommates are great on a good day and tolerable on their worst. But it’s not exactly The O.C. or 90210 or any of the other numerous shows set in LA. It’s more like the early season of the Real World. You know the ones with the grainy affects and quirky characters that weren’t too crazy and/or too hot you couldn’t connect with them. Just normal people living life together and trying to make it work.

Which is the problem!!!! If I wanted to normal I’d have stayed in Texas, not packed all my stuff and moved across the country to a town I can’t get a Gin & Tonic in for less than $8. I wanted adventure and excitement, I wanted movie stars and film premiers, I wanted to see performances and great art… And dammit, I’m going to get it.

So that’s what this blog is going to be about, both my everyday life and my quest for the extraordinary. The day to day and the unusual, fights and dates mixed with flash and bang. Look out (North) Hollywood… here I come!

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