Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Be Interesting

I subscribe to a YouTube channel called International Order of Sodomites. The main draw for me is the comedy clips of Justin Sayre, who is comedian, actor, and writer for 2 Broke Girls. His videos include things like “The New Hanky Code”, “Gay it Up”, and “Liza Manili is Cooler than you are!” But one of my favorite videos is one called “Be Interesting” in which Sayre’s begs the LGBT community to get our heads out of our collective asses and be the arbiters of style that we once were. Here is the video:

And the man has a point. We used to go to art gallery openings and Broadway, now we line up to Nick Jonas take his shirt off at the local gay bar. We used to have icons that sung great songs and spoke out against injustice, now we have Katy Perry and her Firework and Gaga and her Applause. Don’t get me wrong, I get it, society changes and grows, but it seems more like we are giving up and just talking about the Next Real Housewife and not about the next great American novel.

Meeting some interesting people in West Hollywood
Disney Drag Queens at Club Ultra Suede
Sayre’s claims that these people (the celebrities mentioned before) “Cultivated being Interesting”. They refused to let society tell them to be normal or to allow their thoughts to be edited or filtered. They were themselves and they were bigger than life. They read interesting thing and did interesting things and slept with interesting people, and it led them to be interesting people. They weren’t afraid to offend and they weren’t worried about being PC.

You don’t just become interesting at birth. You have to cultivate it! You have to work at it. Go to shows and read plays and hear music from around the world. Travel to small towns and big cities and to ancient ruins and the middle of the forest, experience life in a way that impacts you, that changes you.

Hanging out with Big Boo aka Lea DeLaria at AIDS Walk Los Angelese
I’m not sure writing a blog post is the best medium to get this point across but I don’t care. I’m learning to be interesting just like you. So like Sayre’s says “Be interesting, let others be offended.”

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